Beantown Chalktalk

Jamal Anderson Vs. Ludacris


Joakim Noah Vs. Whatever This Is


Latrell Sprewell vs. Samuel L. Jackson


Aaron Rodgers vs. BJ Novak (Ryan from 'The Office')


Anderson Varejao vs. Sideshow BoB

Is it just the hair?

Joe Paterno Vs. Guy From Up

Both of these geezers are legends.  'Up' was probably one of the best animated films of all time and Paterno is still towel snapping young college kids at age 84.  But I am positive that Disney based this character off of ole' Joe.  I wouldn't be surprised is Paterno adopted a fat little asian kid at some point in his life.  Probably took one back from 'nam and didn't tell anyone.    

guy from lady antebellum vs. Bard

Not only does this kid have an arm, but he's out there winning Grammy's too. But really, how similar do these guys look?   

Pau vs. Llama vs. Big Bird

Who in the NBA is uglier than Pau Gasol? Joakim Noah is close second, but this takes the cake. The resembelance to a llama is scary, but it was hard to decide if it was the llama or Big bird that Pau drew more similarities to. Gross.

Keisel vs. Cornelius 

Is there anything more disgusting in the NFL right now then Brett Kiesel's beard. Like, what do you think he has growing under there by now. I guess it makes sense for him to hide food in there for him and his team to eat in the huddle. Well whatever hes got goin on there, you can't tell me he doesn't look like Yukon Cornelius.

Brady vs. Lion

I think we can all agree that the biggest NFL headline this season was Brady's hair.  Hands down.  And when the game was on the line, and Brady got all fired up, tell me he didn't look like a lion.  Lions are the animals that no one wants to mess with in the Jungle, and who wants to mess with Brady? No one. Brady is one fierce son of a bitch.